On Tuesday 9th August meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in Cheveley Parish Hall. All Councillors were in attendance, together with District and County Councillor Alan Sharp and a member of the public.
Councillors were saddened to hear that Parish Clerk Marilyn Strand was leaving in September to take up a position with Soham Town Council. Marilyn had worked for Cheveley Parish Council for six years and would be much missed by Councillors and residents. The position would be advertised and interviews with applicants conducted by the Chair and Vice Chair. To cover the Clerk duties in the interim period a locum would be employed.
There was further disappointment that Councillor Alison Day had also resigned. She had been largely instrumental in the production of the Neighbourhood Plan and in speed reduction initiatives throughout the Parish in addition to other Council work. She would continue to help bring the Neighbourhood Plan to a conclusion and a dedicated email address would be installed. Both were thanked for their work over the past few years.
A revised quotation had been received for the installation of storage cupboards in the Garden Room of the Parish Hall. It was agreed to go ahead with this work and it was hoped that this would reduce the need to take up storage space in the Sports Pavilion.
The Chair, Vice Chair and Clerk had met with representatives of Cambridgeshire County Council to discuss the future of providing car parking space for Cheveley School teachers and staff in the grounds of the Parish Hall. Options were discussed and further proposals would be made to the County Council to find a mutually acceptable arrangement.
A Parish Hall Facebook page would be administered by Councillor Phil Nutt.
It was noted that future events to be held at the Parish Hall would include another Farmers’ Market on 25th September and Christmas Fair on 11th December. A book club, to be held once a month, would start on 14th September.
A suggestion to start up a carpet bowls group had been received but it was not considered that the Parish Hall would be a suitable venue for this.
Councillors Nutt and Treanor had examined the condition of gateways to various areas of the Parish and found that they were in an unstable state. It was not clear who was responsible for these and efforts would be made to establish this.
A request from St Mary’s PCC for the Parish Council to supply a community Christmas tree at a cost of around £150 was considered and approved.
An offer from Hermitage Memorials to clean the War Memorial had been made and it was agreed to accept this. If possible a working group would be formed to help undertake the work.