On Tuesday 9th June meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation

Ground Charity were held once again using an online meeting platform.   All Parish Councillors were in attendance as were District Councillor Alan Sharp, County Councillor Mathew Shuter and members of the public.

The Clerk reported that she had attended a CAPALC drop-in session via Zoom on 14th May at which the effect of the coronavirus crisis and the effect it was having on Parish Council business was discussed together with guidance on conducting meetings and other areas of procedure.   The Council website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk) continued to provide up-to-date information on local and national aspects of the pandemic in line with government advice.

Whilst the telephone boxes were in the process of being repainted the books and other contents that were stored in them for public use would be moved to the pavilion.

County Councillor Mathew Shuter reported that all recycling centres had now reopened and after the initial rush had settled down although it was necessary for anyone with a van or trailer to book in advance.  He was also able to confirm that there was a relatively low incidence of Covid-19 in Cambridgeshire and, at the moment, it appeared to be under control.

District Councillor Alan Sharp had ascertained that the Parish Council was not eligible to apply to the Village Halls Fund for a grant following a question from Mathew Shuter at the May meeting.    He reported that East Cambridgeshire District Council was hoping to make progress in the development of bus services and cycling and walking routes throughout the area in the interests of safety.   One of the areas under discussion was at the Little Green end of Oak Lane where there is no footway.   The Parish Council was also considering whether to put this area forward under the Local Highways Improvement scheme although some Councillors thought that extending the 30 miles per hour speed limit beyond Hobb’s Warren should be requested instead.   It was not possible to apply for both options in one year.

A proposed amendment to the Masterplan and an amended Flood Risk Assessment concerning the application for around 22 dwellings at the Home Office Bungalows, Little Green site was considered and approved by the Council.

Concern was expressed about work being carried out and removal of trees at a property in Cheveley High Street without correct planning procedures being obtained.   This had been reported to planning enforcement at ECDC.

The process to purchase the former United Reform Church Hall was progressing.   The survey that had been carried out had highlighted some issues with the property and quotations were being obtained to ascertain the cost of the necessary work to bring the building up to the standard required to hold Parish functions.  A specialist survey of the roof area would also be instigated.   Resident, Richard Jackson had kindly produced a report outlining his ideas for the future development of the property as a community hub and was thanked for this.        It is hoped that a group of Parishioners can form a management committee to take it forward once the purchase had been completed.  Anyone interested please contact the clerk, Marilyn Strand (clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk  tel. 01638 780835).   No similar experience is necessary just a willingness to help and share ideas to develop a centre for their Parish which is intended for use by both North Ward (Duchess Drive, Ashley Road, Centre Drive area) and South Ward (Cheveley village).

Many positive comments had been received regarding the beautiful wildflower meadow at the cemetery and Councillors Hadlow and Thomas were thanked for their work to achieve this.

At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity which followed it was reported that necessary repairs to some items of play equipment was to be undertaken as agreed at the previous meeting.   Due to complications of companies not working as normal which was caused by implications of Covid-19 it had not been possible to obtain the usual number of quotations for the work but in the interests of safety it had been decided to proceed.   In the meantime the area had been cordoned off to indicate that it should not be used.   It was agreed that the Council would look at the process of inspections in the future and that expenditure on play equipment repairs over the last three years would be analysed at the next meeting.


Plans for planting of new trees at the recreation ground would be discussed in late summer with a view to planting them at the most favourable time through the winter.   The council would love to hear from volunteers to assist with watering them throughout next summer.

Meetings of the Parish Council and of the Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity will be held on the second Tuesday of every month.   The next ones will be on 14th July starting at 7.30 p.m.   For information regarding the venue and anything else please consult the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk).