Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meetings were held on Tuesday 9th July in the Community Room of Cheveley School. The meetings were attended by several members of the public, Parish Councillors and District Councillor Alan Sharp.
Residents of North Ward raised the issue of speeding in that area. It was confirmed that funding for traffic calming measures in Ashley Road and for speed limit reduction in Duchess Drive had been approved. There was also concern that a long time used path through Sidehill Stud had been closed. Although this was not an official footpath inquiries would be made. UPDATE: The path is not intended for closure. The signage is purely a confirmation of the legal registration by the owners to state this is a ‘permissive’ path. It enables the owner to close the path in times of emergency, but the intention is for it to remain open to residents. To find out more about this notice, go to this weblink
Concern was also raised regarding the loss of trees in the Parish very often because of building development. The Parish Council had tree planting policies in place for areas owned by them. Permission to fell trees in conservation areas is required. It was suggested that anyone who felt that particular trees should be protected should contact the tree officer at East Cambridgeshire District Council and request that these are covered by a Tree Preservation Order.
Notices in respect of vacancies for two South Ward councillors had been placed on the website and notice boards. These vacancies can now be filled by co-option. Anyone interested in applying can obtain further details from the clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand, either by email at or by telephone on 01638 780835. Prospective applicants who live in either the North or South Ward of the Parish may apply.
The rainwater collector unit at the cemetery had been out of order because one of the taps was damaged resulting in a hole through which all the water could escape. Repairs would be undertaken. In the meantime the mains water supply had been reconnected.
A meeting of the Parish Forum had taken place on Monday 17th June in Cheveley and had been attended by 4 Cheveley Councillors. A report of the meeting would be given at the August meeting.
A review of the draft Neighbourhood Plan was deferred to the August meeting.
A complaint regarding speeding in Park Road, Cheveley, would be referred to the South Ward Speed Watch team.
At the Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meeting which immediately followed the Council meeting it was reported that repairs to the pavilion roof and to the zip wire had been carried out during June.
The intended summer activity camp could not be held as the only date available was prior to the start of Cheveley Primary School summer holidays.
Chairman Claire Elbrow reported on the Cycle Works Project. It was agreed that the Council would supply up to 100 tickets to the track at Kennett for children living in the Parish from 25th July until the end of the summer holidays. For full details of how to obtain these please contact the clerk upon her return from holiday on 17th July.
A meeting has been arranged on Thursday 11th July to which all local groups had been invited to give their views on the redevelopment on the Pavilion.
A request to supply barbecue tools for use by members of the public using the barbecues at the recreation ground was rejected because of hygiene and security issues. Anyone wishing to use the barbecues provided should bring their own tools and charcoal.
It was agreed to accept a quotation for the complete removal of the Miram Skate unity and its foundations.
The next meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and the Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity will be held on Tuesday 13th August in the Community Room of Cheveley School at 7.30 p.m.