Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meetings were held on Tuesday 9th April in the Community Room of Cheveley School. A full complement of Councillors and several members of the public were in attendance at what would be the final meeting before local elections on 2nd May.

It was reported that approximately 15 people attended the ‘Spring Clean’ litter pick on 30th March. Although numbers were slightly down on the previous event, they were able to cover the same area in both North and South wards and a vast amount of rubbish was collected. Several people, mostly regulars, worked extremely hard at the annual Spring cleanup at the cemetery on 23rd March when several jobs were undertaken including clearing undergrowth along a boundary adjoining the neighbouring stud.

Upon investigation it has been revealed that professional advice given to the Council regarding the accounting and VAT needs of the Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity was incorrect. The corrected and simplified process was explained by the Clerk and approved. A proposal to gain recompense for the incorrect advice will be discussed at the May meeting.

To date no reply had been received to a letter of complaint which had been sent to the Chief Executive of East Cambridgeshire District Council about a month ago. There was concern about the inaccurate and incorrect information contained in the minutes of the ECDC Planning Committee held on 6th February, particularly with regard to Cheveley Parish Council.

It was noted that a gate on footpath No. 1 had been damaged. This footpath would be monitored in order to establish that this was not being regularly used by horse riders as reported. Once established, the gate will be repaired or removed.

Nominations for the McCalmont Cup, which is awarded annually for service to the community, were considered and the Cup will be awarded to the recipient at the Annual Parish Meeting on 21st May.

Councillors were delighted that the application for a grant towards paying for speed limit reductions, with entrance narrowing chicanes or speed tables in the North Ward of the Parish. had been offered and this will be formally accepted.

At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity which followed, it was reported that the damaged section of the wall caused by a traffic accident should be repaired starting in the first week of May when the risk of frost has lessened. The delay in this repair has been due to several factors but predominately the winter weather.

As yet the accumulated rubbish which had been dumped behind the recycling bins had not been collected. The Clerk noted that the collection team have stated this is due to staff and vehicle shortages.

Advice was being sought regarding a suitable scheme to replace the removed earth mounds for which a grant may be available.

The application form for Fields in Trust was completed and will be submitted this month.

Any decisions regarding the future redevelopment of the pavilion as a community hub would be considered after the election. It was agreed at the March meeting that a consultation meeting with community groups would be investigated and set up. This will now be arranged after the elections.

The next meetings of the Parish Council and the Pavilion and Recreations Ground Charity will be held on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30 p.m. in the Community Room at Cheveley School. All meetings for the next twelve months will be held on the second Tuesday of each month.