On Tuesday 14th May 24 the meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in the Garden Room at Cheveley Parish Hall.   Seven councillors present together with District Councillor and County Councillor Alan Sharp and District Councillor James Lay.

At 7.30 the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity commenced.   A meeting had been held with a representative from ECDC regarding improving accessibility at the pavilion.  A further meeting is set up with an architect.  The charity will seek clarification on their statutory obligations for this area.

The annual inspection of the play area has been carried out.  There was one high risk item identified.  This piece of equipment has been fenced off.  The charity approved expenditure to carry out repairs.

The charity approved a quotation to carry out repairs on the recreation ground wall.  This work will be carried out over two years due size of the project and associated cost.

The annual meeting of the Parish Council immediately followed the Recreation Ground meeting.

Cllr Hadlow was voted in as Chairman and Cllr Treanor voted in as Vice Chairman.

The meeting discussed the option of installing EV chargers in the Parish Hall car park but it was resolved not to pursue this matter at the current time due to car park lease obligations.

The council has received an official portrait of the King.  The portrait will be hung in the Garden Room.

District Councillor James Lay reported on his work with the CAB and the committee for Employment and Skills which focusses on creating more apprenticeship and training opportunities in the district.

County Councillor Alan Sharp reported on the new plans for waste and recycling including black wheelie bins and food recycling caddies. These initiatives are hoped to be implemented by 2026.  He was thanked for his work to push for road painting at Broomstick Corner which has now been completed.  He will also seek clarification on whether it is permissible to use cones on the pavement to improve parking/access when the Farmers’ Market is on.

The council approved expenditure to buy two new batteries for the mobile vehicle activation signs.  They also approved expenditure for the licence needed for the quarterly Farmers’ Market.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd May at 7pm at the Parish Hall.  All residents are welcome.