Meeting Round-up – Tuesday 14th April 2020
Under the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panels Meetings) (England and Wales Regulations meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were held remotely on Tuesday 14th April using an online meeting platform. The meetings were open to the public on line.
It was agreed that, whilst restrictions imposed because of the Coronavirus outbreak were in place, the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would not take place and agendas for other meetings would not be displayed on notice boards but would be available on the website only and would comply with usual timing criteria. The Annual Parish Meeting which was scheduled for 28th April was cancelled and all community groups had been informed. Consideration would be given to holding a Parish Meeting at a later date once the constraints caused by the situation had been lifted. In the meantime the presentation of the McCalmont Cup would be deferred.
Representatives of the Duchess Park (Newmarket) Management Committee had been due to attend this meeting regarding discussion of the maintenance of the play equipment on Meadow Lane. However due to the circumstances they will be invited to the next meeting at the Community Room. A report regarding the Kennett Action Group would be discussed at a future meeting
The Council had been in discussions regarding the volunteer network across the district. District Councillor Amy Starkey reported that Newmarket Town Council, together with other organisations and individuals, had set up a helpline, 01638 667227, for community support during the Coronavirus outbreak to help those in need. So far over 100 people from 47 families had been helped.
A complaint which had been received from a resident against two Councillors would be dealt with at the next meeting held at the Community Room.
The Clerk reported that she had attended the SLCC Practitioners’ Conference on 26th and 27th February and had found the subjects covered very helpful.
The annual audit had been delayed by two months because of Coronavirus regulations.
Work had been due to start on the speed reduction scheme in the North Ward of the Parish under the Local Highways Improvement Scheme. However this had been put on hold due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It was agreed that a project under this scheme for 2021/22 should be to extend the 30 mph restrictions in Oak Lane beyond the new development at Hobbs Warren and to ask Highways Department of Cambridgeshire County Council to look at ways of improving the serious safety issue in the Little Green area of this road where there was no pavement for the increasing number of residents living there to access Cheveley village amenities.
The purchase procedure in respect of the former United Reform Church building was progressing with searches and enquiries raised by the solicitor acting on behalf of the Parish Council. It was hoped that it would be possible for the property to be surveyed over the next few weeks. Councillors were delighted that news of the purchase had been well received by Parishioners both verbally and in writing.
It was agreed to purchase Sunflower seeds for a growing competition for young people of the Parish.
Councillors Hadlow, Day and Fullerton would meet on line to progress the Neighbourhood Plan soon.
Policy documents regarding the cemetery would be laminated and displayed in the notice board there. Repairs to grave stones had not been able to be carried out because of virus restrictions.
At the Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meeting it was reported that the installation of the dog sack dispenser and bags had been delayed due to the coronavirus crisis. The playground equipment had been locked because of the need for social distancing. The Annual inspection of this was due and it was not yet known if this will still take place in April.
A decision had been taken not to close the Recreation Ground to Parishioners during the outbreak as to do so would encourage residents onto the footpaths where it would be more difficult to maintain distance from others. The situation would continue to be monitored however. The outside toilet at the pavilion had been opened.
The defibrillator at the pavilion had been taken to an incident but not deployed and had been checked by the ambulance crew before it was returned.
Plans for the redevelopment of the pavilion had been deferred until the purchase of the former United Reform Church property had been completed.
The next meetings are due to be held on Tuesday 12th May. Please check the website ( for information regarding this, including location, and for any other matters. The Clerk can be contacted at or by telephone on 01638 780835.