On Tuesday 11th June meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity were held in the Garden Room at Cheveley Parish Hall.  All eight Councillors were present.

The evening commenced with the Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity meeting.

An order to repair the Hogsback equipment had been placed and the work is due to start on 12th June 2024.

Following investigations and discussions with experts, options for a footpath and improved disabled access to the Pavilion were discussed.   It was felt that the benefits afforded by this work would be extremely worthwhile and funds would later be set aside to cover this.   Arrangements had been made to meet an architect on site to help ascertain the best option.

The suggestion from Cheveley Sports Club that a 3×3 Basketball area should be installed at the Recreation Ground was discussed.   It was felt that a proper feasibility plan should be put in place so that an informed decision could be made.   The full procedure would be agreed at the next meeting in order that a final decision can be reached later in the year.

From options available a decision was made as to the brick type to be used for capping work on the perimeter wall at the recreation ground.

It was decided that spraying around the new trees at the Recreation Ground would be undertaken and added to the annual maintenance contract and that the removal of damaged and diseased trees will be undertaken in the Autumn when the bird nesting season is over.

The meeting of Cheveley Parish Council immediately followed the Charity meeting at which it was reported that the Neighbourhood plan had undergone its final check prior to the referendum which would take place between in September.

Various queries had been received regarding speeding issues throughout the Parish and the positioning of the speed signs.   These are moved at regular intervals of time as this was a funding condition stipulated by Highways.

Methods of consultation with residents throughout the Parish concerning the Local Highways Initiative scheme were discussed in order to get their views on where there were road safety issues.

Residents of Meadow Lane had expressed concern regarding dog fouling in that area.  A replacement bin was being situated in Duchess Drive and consideration would be given to others being put in the area if necessary.

At the Parish Hall, the licence application in respect of the Farmers’ Markets has been submitted to East Cambridgeshire District Council.   It had been ascertained that the Host Premises Licence could not also be used at the Pavilion as it related to one venue location only.

There was a repeated issue at the Hall with black bin bags being torn open by wildlife.   In future they would be double bagged and heavy duty bags would be purchased to try to alleviate the problem.

The new Hire Agreement for the Parish Hall venue has now been uploaded to the website.   Existing users would be asked to sign a new agreement.

Weeds had been growing around the war memorial and, providing the cost was reasonable, this work would be undertaken.

The next meetings will be held on Tuesday 9th July at 7.30 p.m. in the Garden Room of Cheveley Parish Hall.   For information on this or any other matter please refer to the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk), contact via: clerk@cheveley-pc.gov.uk, or telephone 07483 107014.